• How can Speidi be so the worst and so the best at the same time? Their Hills storyline is insufferable, the wedding was a joke and the music they create is atrocious, but look at them. Honeymooning in Mexico during a potential pandemic? Of course they're going to pose for pictures wearing swine-flu face masks. Because that's how much they care about entertaining us.
• Taylor Lautner's just about the luckiest teen wolf ever, he can have his pick of whatever kids' cable TV network star he wants. They're just flying them into Vancouver for him now.
• Let's see what bathing suit Lindsay Lohan is wearing today.
• Robert Pattinson considered quitting acting because it's kind of a challenging career in the beginning, which seems pretty normal, except this is Rob Pattz we're talking about.
• This Miley Cyrus interview is either crazy annoying and oddly charming. Helen Mirren looks somewhat amused, so it must be charming? Whatever the case, it's nice to have Miley back home in L.A., wearing inappropriate dresses again.
Sorry to disturb you, Shia LaBeouf, but nice purple Big Pic jeans.
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